RFinance 2015

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Following is code and plots used in RFinance 2015 presentation.

We will use a C++ function to compute Lagged Correlations from the Run Leadership Rcpp post.

First, let’s load historical prices for S&P 500. Please note that we are using current companies in the S&P 500 index and assume the index composition does not change.

Please note we moved lagged correlation logic to RcppParallel in order to finish computations in reasonable time. There are 37B correlation computations 37,724,400,000 = 124,750 * 120 * 2,520

  • For Each Pair in SP500 = 500 * 499 / 2 = 124,750
  • 120 look back window = (+)60 lag and (-)60 lag = 120 correlation
  • 10 year = 10 * 252 = 2,520

To run the code below please make sue you have the lead.lag.correlation.cpp file downloaded lead.lag.correlation.cpp.

# Load historical end of day data

filename = 'big.test.Rdata'
prices = load.test.data(filename)
	tickers = colnames(prices)

# please note that using raw price time series introduces too much noise
# in the lagged correlation computations, transforming data with 5 period EMA
# make lagged correlation computations more stable
sma = bt.apply.matrix(prices, EMA, 5)

# Compile Run-Lead-Lag function
# make sure to install [Rtools on windows](http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)

# load Rcpp functions

# Two Time Series and Lagged Correlation
nwindow = 120
hist.data = prep.test.data(sma, '2014-05-16', nwindow)

# compute leadership, call Rcpp function
lead.lag.cor = cp_run_leadership_smart(hist.data, nwindow, T)

threshold = 0.75
leaders = get.leaders(lead.lag.cor, nwindow, threshold, tickers)

# find high correlation pair i = "VRSN", j = "OMC"
i = names(leaders)[1]
	adj.mat = lead.lag.cor[,,nwindow]
		rownames(adj.mat) = colnames(adj.mat) = tickers
j = names(which.max(adj.mat[i,]))

# look at details
out = rtest.one(hist.data, nwindow, i, j)

# plot lagged correlation 

plot of chunk plot-2

# plot time series side by side

plot of chunk plot-2

# Leadership discovery graph
index = match(spl('C,BAC,JPM,BK'), tickers)

nwindow = 120
hist.data = prep.test.data(sma[,index], '2014-05-16', nwindow)

# compute leadership, call Rcpp function
lead.lag.cor = cp_run_leadership_smart(hist.data, nwindow, T)

threshold = 0.2
leaders = get.leaders(lead.lag.cor, nwindow, threshold, tickers[index], T)

plot of chunk plot-2

The Algorithm has following parameters:

  • nwindow - length of the look back window
  • nlag - lag used in the lagged correlation computations, assumed to be half of look back window
  • threshold - correlation threshold used to remove edges from the graph
# Sensitivity of Parameters:

# compute leaders for various parameters
windows = c(30,60,90,120,180)
thresholds = seq(0.2, 0.8, by=0.05)
hist.data = prep.test.data(sma, '2014-05-16', max(windows))
	nperiod = nrow(hist.data)

out = list()
for(nwindow in windows) {
	lead.lag.cor = cp_run_leadership_smart(last(hist.data, nwindow), nwindow, T)
	for(threshold in thresholds) 
		out[[paste(nwindow, threshold)]] = get.leaders(lead.lag.cor, nwindow, threshold, tickers)

# plot: #leaders vs correlation threshold for various window lengths
temp = matrix(NA, nr=len(thresholds), nc=len(windows))
for(i in 1:len(windows))
	for(j in 1:len(thresholds))
		temp[j,i] = len(out[[paste(windows[i], thresholds[j])]])

matplot.helper(temp, thresholds, 'Correlation Threshold', 'Number of Leaders', 'topleft', windows, 'Number of Leaders')

plot of chunk plot-3

# plot: containment rate of leaders vs correlation threshold for various window lengths
# containment rate of leaders = [Leader(g) intersect Leader(g-1)] / Leader(g-1)
temp = matrix(1, nr=len(thresholds), nc=len(windows))
for(i in 1:len(windows))
	for(j in 2:len(thresholds)) {
		g0 = names(out[[paste(windows[i], thresholds[j-1])]])
		g1 = names(out[[paste(windows[i], thresholds[j])]])
		temp[j,i] = len(intersect(g0, g1)) / len(g0)

matplot.helper(temp, thresholds, 'Correlation Threshold', 'Containment Rate of Leaders', 'topright', windows, 'Containment Rate of Leaders')

plot of chunk plot-3

Next let’s see how stable the leaders selected from one period to the next one.

# Compute leaders; need to split it history into years; otherwise run out of memory
leader.filename = 'leaders.Rdata'

nwindow = 120
threshold = 0.6

if(!file.exists(leader.filename)) {
	out = list()
	index = index(prices)
	for(y in 2001:2015) {
		hist.data = prep.test.data(sma, paste(y), nwindow)
		nperiod = nrow(hist.data)
		offset = match(index(hist.data)[1], index) - 1
		cat(nwindow+offset, nperiod+offset, 'index \n')

		cat(y, 'Leader ship \n')
		lead.lag.cor = cp_run_leadership_smart(hist.data, nwindow, T)
		cat(y, 'Extract leader\n')
		for(i in nwindow:nperiod)
			out[[i + offset]] = get.leaders(lead.lag.cor, i, threshold, tickers)

	save(out, file='leaders.Rdata')

# Stability of Leaders Over Time:
# [Leader(t1) intersect Leader(t0)] / [Leader(t1) union Leader(t0)]
nperiod = nrow(prices)
nstart = max(which(sapply(out, len) == 0))+1

temp = array(NA, nperiod)
for(i in (nstart+1):nperiod) {
	g0 = names(out[[i-1]])
	if(!is.null(g0)) {
		g1 = names(out[[i]])
		temp[i] = len(intersect(g0, g1)) / len(union(g0, g1))

# Containment Rate = [Leader(t1) intersect Leader(t0)] / [Leader(t1) union Leader(t0)]
temp = make.xts(temp, index(prices))
plota(temp, type='l', ylim=c(0.5,1), col='gray')
	plota.lines(EMA(temp, 50), col='black', lwd=2)
	plota.legend('Containment Rate of Leaders,50 SMA','gray,black')

plot of chunk plot-4

# Number of Leaders
temp = sapply(out, len)
	temp[temp == 0] = NA
temp = make.xts(temp, index(prices))

plota(temp, type='l', col='gray')
	plota.lines(EMA(temp, 50), col='black', lwd=2)
	plota.legend('Number of Leaders,50 SMA','gray,black')

plot of chunk plot-4

Create Leadership index. Leadership index is the subset of companies in the S&P 500 that are leaders as determined by the Algorithm above. We will create two versions of leadership index:

  • equal weight leadership index
  • leadership index weighted proportional to the PageRank score
# Create Leadership index
data = env(
	symbolnames = tickers,
	dates = index(prices),
	fields = 'Cl',
	Cl = prices)					

models = list()
data$weight[] = NA
  data$weight[nstart:nperiod,] = 1/len(tickers)
models$SP500 = bt.run.share(data, clean.signal=F, silent=T)

# Leadership index
data$weight[] = 0
	for(i in nstart:nperiod)
		data$weight[i, names(out[[i]])] = 1 / len(out[[i]])
models$leader.ew = bt.run.share(data, clean.signal=F, silent=T)

data$weight[] = 0
	for(i in nstart:nperiod)
		data$weight[i, names(out[[i]])] = out[[i]] / sum(out[[i]])
models$leader.pagerank = bt.run.share(data, clean.signal=F, silent=T)

plotbt(models, plotX = T, log = 'y', LeftMargin = 3, main = NULL)
	mtext('Cumulative Performance', side = 2, line = 1)

plot of chunk plot-5

Next use Leadership index to time allocation to S&P 500, if leadrship index is above 100 period average allocate to the S&P 500; otherwise stay in cash.

# Timing Back-tests based on leadership index
data.eq = env()
for(m in names(models))
	data.eq[[m]] = make.stock.xts(models[[m]]$equity)

frequency = 'months'
period.ends = endpoints(data.eq$prices, frequency)
  period.ends = period.ends[period.ends > 0]
sma = bt.apply.matrix(data.eq$prices, SMA, 100)

models.eq = list()	

data.eq$weight[] = NA
	data.eq$weight[period.ends, 'SP500'] = iif((data.eq$prices > sma)[period.ends, 'SP500'], 1, 0)
models.eq$ew.timing = bt.run.share(data.eq, clean.signal=T, silent=T)	
data.eq$weight[] = NA
	data.eq$weight[period.ends, 'SP500'] = iif((data.eq$prices > sma)[period.ends, 'leader.ew'], 1, 0)
models.eq$ew.leader.timing = bt.run.share(data.eq, clean.signal=T, silent=T)	

data.eq$weight[] = NA
	data.eq$weight[period.ends, 'SP500'] = iif((data.eq$prices > sma)[period.ends, 'leader.pagerank'], 1, 0)
models.eq$ew.leader.pagerank.timing = bt.run.share(data.eq, clean.signal=T, silent=T)	

plotbt(models.eq, plotX = T, log = 'y', LeftMargin = 3, main = NULL)
	mtext('Cumulative Performance', side = 2, line = 1)

plot of chunk plot-6

plotbt.strategy.sidebyside(models.eq, make.plot=T, return.table=F, perfromance.fn=engineering.returns.kpi)

plot of chunk plot-6

#strategy.performance.snapshoot(bt.trim(models.eq), T)

Unfortunately, we do not observe any predictive power of using leadership index versus just using S&P 500 index.

In the future work we want to concentrate on:

  • better matching time series with dynamic time wrapping (DTW) - it will be more computationally intensive
  • consider negative correlation in graph construction
  • testing on intraday data. probably there is a better chance to capture intraday leadership because price action during 120 minutes might be more relevant than price action over 120 days. I.e. market react and adjusts with in minutes, not days or weeks

Thank you and looking forward to meeting you at RFinance.

Supporting functions:

# Load historical end of day data
load.test.data = function(filename) {
	if(!file.exists(filename)) {
	  #tickers = nasdaq.100.components()
	  tickers = sp500.components()$tickers

	  data = env()
	  getSymbols.extra(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T)
		rm.index = which(sapply(ls(data), function(i) is.null(data[[i]])))
		if(any(rm.index)) env.del(names(rm.index), data)
	  for(i in ls(data)) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)

	  bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', dates='2000::', fill.gaps=T)

	  # remove ones with little history
	  prices = data$prices
	  bt.prep.remove.symbols(data, which(
   		count(prices, side = 2) < 3*252 | is.na(last(prices)) 
	  # show the ones removed

	  prices = data$prices
	  save(prices, file=filename)

# Extract Subset of data
prep.test.data = function(prices, index, nwindow, use.price = T) {
	index = dates2index(prices, index)
	hist.data = iif(use.price, prices, prices / mlag(prices) - 1)

	index = range(index)
	index[1] = iif(index[1] < nwindow, 1, index[1] - nwindow + 1)

# Extract Leaders
get.leaders = function(lead.lag.cor, index, threshold, tickers, make.plot=F) {
	# create adjacency matrix
	adj.mat = lead.lag.cor[,,index]
		rownames(adj.mat) = colnames(adj.mat) = tickers
		adj.mat = clean.adj(adj.mat, threshold)
	if(nrow(adj.mat) == 0) return(c());

	# construct graph
	g  = graph.adjacency(adj.mat,weighted=TRUE)
		#sort(page.rank(g, directed = TRUE)$vector, decreasing = T)

	# extract leaders
	leaders = extract.leaders(g, adj.mat)
	if(make.plot) advanced.graph.plot(g, leaders)

# remove zero entries
clean.adj = function(adj.mat, threshold = 0.5) {
	adj.mat[ abs(adj.mat) < threshold] = 0
	adj.mat[ is.na(adj.mat)] = 0
	keep.index = (rowSums(adj.mat != 0) >= 1) | (colSums(adj.mat != 0) >= 1)	
	adj.mat = adj.mat[keep.index, keep.index]	

# remove descendants
remove.descendant = function(j, stack) {
	if(j == stack$n) return()
	for(i in (j+1):stack$n) 
			if(stack$adj.mat[stack$L[i],stack$L[j]] != 0) {
				remove.descendant(i, stack)
				stack$index[i] = F

extract.leaders = function(g, adj.mat) {
	# compute page rank vector
	p = page.rank(g, directed = TRUE)$vector

	# sort time series in descending order by page.rank
	L = sort.list(p, decreasing = T)
	#L = names(sort(p, decreasing = T))

	# temp var to be used in remove.descendant function
	n = len(p)
	stack = env(index = rep(T, n), n, adj.mat, L)

	for(i in 1:n)
			remove.descendant(i, stack)
	leaders = p[L[stack$index]]

# Visualize Graph
basic.graph.plot = function(g) {
	#V(g)$label.cex = 0.5
	plot(g, edge.label=round(E(g)$weight, 3), edge.label.cex = 0.5, edge.width = 1, 
		edge.arrow.size = 0.5,edge.color = 'lightgray', edge.curved=T,
		vertex.label.cex = 0.5,	vertex.size=5, vertex.color=NA, vertex.frame.color=NA)

advanced.graph.plot = function(g, leaders) {
	# plot leaders
	col = iif(is.na(match(V(g)$name, names(leaders))), 'white', 'red')
	label.col = iif(is.na(match(V(g)$name, names(leaders))), 'black', 'blue')
	size = leaders[match(V(g)$name, names(leaders))]
		size = punif(size, min=min(leaders), max=max(leaders))
		size = iif(is.na(size), 5, round(10*(size+1)))

	plot(g, edge.label=round(E(g)$weight, 3), edge.label.cex = 1, edge.width = 10*E(g)$weight, 
		edge.arrow.size = 0.85,edge.color = 'lightgray', edge.curved=T,
		vertex.label.color = label.col, 
		vertex.label.cex = 1,	vertex.size=size, vertex.color=NA, vertex.frame.color=NA)

# Lagged correlation for given two entries
rtest.one = function(ret, nwindow, c1.name, c2.name) {
	c1 = which(colnames(ret) == c1.name)
	c2 = which(colnames(ret) == c2.name)
	if(c1 < c2) { # switch
		temp = c2; c2 = c1; c1 = temp
		temp = c2.name; c2.name = c1.name; c1.name = temp

	nlag = floor(nwindow/2)
	n = ncol(ret)
	nperiod = nrow(ret)
	out = array(NA, c(n,n,nperiod))
	index = !lower.tri(out[,,1])

	i = nperiod

		temp = coredata(ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,])
		temp.out = matrix(NA, n,n)
			data1 = temp[,c1]
			data2 = temp[,c2,drop=F]

			# c2 leader, c1 follower, because c1 always ends at nwindow
			c1.cor = c()
			for (lag in 0:nlag) {
				cor.temp = cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
				c1.cor = c(c1.cor, cor.temp)
			# c1 leader, c2 follower, because c2 always ends at nwindow
			c2.cor = c()
			for (lag in 1:nlag) {
				cor.temp = cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
				c2.cor = c(c2.cor, cor.temp)

			c1.cor.mean = sum(pmax(c1.cor,0)) / (nlag + 1)
			c2.cor.mean = sum(pmax(c2.cor,0)) / nlag
			# if c1.cor >= c2.cor hence c2 leader, c1 follower i.e. cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
			# if c2.cor >= c1.cor hence c1 leader, c2 follower i.e. cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
			relationship = iif(c1.cor.mean >= c2.cor.mean, 'c2 leader, c1 follower', 'c1 leader, c2 follower')
			relationship = gsub('c1', c1.name, gsub('c2', c2.name, relationship))
			c1 = c1, c2 = c2, c1.name = c1.name, c2.name = c2.name,
			x = -nlag:nlag,
			y = c(rev(c2.cor), c1.cor),
			c1.cor = to.nice(c1.cor.mean),
			c2.cor = to.nice(c2.cor.mean),
			relationship = relationship,
			c1.ret = ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,c1],
			c2.ret = ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,c2]


# Visualize results
rtest.visualize = function(out) {
	plot(out$x, out$y, type = "n", xlab='Lag', ylab='Correlation', las=1,
		main = paste('(-) Lag =', out$c2.cor, ', (+) Lag =', out$c1.cor,
		'\n', out$relationship)	

	col1 = col.add.alpha('blue',100)
	polygon(c(first(out$x), out$x, last(out$x)), c(0, pmax(out$y,0), 0), col=col1, border=col1)

	col1 = col.add.alpha('gray',200)
	polygon(c(first(out$x), out$x, last(out$x)), c(0, pmin(out$y,0), 0), col=col1, border=col1)

	abline(h=0, v=0)
	lines(out$x, out$y, col='red')
	lines(out$x, out$y, type='b', pch='+', col='red')

rtest.visualize.relationship = function(out, is.ret=F) {
	if(is.ret) {
		temp = cbind(cumprod(1 + out$c1.ret), cumprod(1 + out$c2.ret))
		colnames(temp) = c(out$c1.name, out$c2.name)		
	} else
		temp = cbind(out$c1.ret, out$c2.ret)

	plota.matplot(scale.one(temp), main=out$relationship)
matplot.helper = function(mat, x=1:nrow(mat), xlab='', ylab='', legend='topleft', y=1:ncol(mat), main='') {
	col = 1:ncol(mat)
	matplot(x, mat, type='b', pch=col, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, las=1, main=main)
	legend(legend, legend=y, col=col, pch=col, bty='n')

(this report was produced on: 2015-05-25)