Exponentially Weighted Volatility using RCPP
10 Apr 2016
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The Exponentially Weighted Volatility is a measure of volatility that put more weight on
the recent observations. We will use following formula to compute the Exponentially Weighted Volatility:
S[t]^2 = SUM (1-a) * a^i * (r[t-1-i] - rhat[t])^2, i=0 … inf
where rhat[t] is the corresponding the Exponentially Weighted mean
rhat[t] = SUM (1-a) * a^i * r[t-1-i], i=0 … inf
For reference on the computations of Exponentially Weighted Volatility please check:
The above formula depends on the full price history at each point in time and took a while to compute.
Hence, I want to share how Rcpp and RcppParallel helped to reduce computation time.
I will use a historic dataset of the Foreign Exchange Rates
as my testing data.
First we compute average rolling volatility
# Compute Log Returns
ret = diff ( log ( data $ prices ))
tic ( 5 )
hist.vol = sqrt ( 252 ) * bt.apply.matrix ( ret , runSD , n = 200 )
toc ( 5 )
[1] “Elapsed time is 0.17 seconds\n”
Next, let’s code the Exponentially Weighted logic
# create RCPP functions to compute the Exponentially Weighted Volatility
load.packages ( 'Rcpp' )
sourceCpp ( code = '
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
//ema[1] = 0
//ema[t] = (1-a)*r[t-1] + (1-a)*a*ema[t-1]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run_ema_cpp(NumericVector x, double ratio) {
auto sz = x.size();
NumericVector res(sz);
int t;
// find start index; first non NA item
for(t = 0; t < sz; t++) {
if(!NumericVector::is_na(x[t])) break;
res[t] = NA_REAL;
int start_t = t;
res[start_t] = 0;
for(t = start_t + 1; t < sz; t++) {
res[t] = (1-ratio) * ( x[t-1] + ratio * res[t-1]);
return res;
//sigma[1] = 0
//sigma[t] = SUM (1-a) * a^i * (r[t-1-i] - rhat[t])^2, i=0 ... inf
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run_esd_cpp(NumericVector x, double ratio) {
auto sz = x.size();
NumericVector res(sz);
int t;
// find start index; first non NA item
for(t = 0; t < sz; t++) {
if(!NumericVector::is_na(x[t])) break;
res[t] = NA_REAL;
int start_t = t;
double ema = 0;
res[start_t] = 0;
for(t = start_t + 1; t < sz; t++) {
ema = (1-ratio) * ( x[t-1] + ratio * ema);
double sigma = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (t - start_t); i++) {
sigma += pow(ratio,i) * pow(x[t-1-i] - ema, 2);
res[t] = (1-ratio) * sigma;
return res;
run.ema = function ( x , n , ratio = n / ( n +1 )) run_ema_cpp ( x , ratio )
run.esd = function ( x , n , ratio = n / ( n +1 )) sqrt ( run_esd_cpp ( x , ratio ))
tic ( 5 )
hist.vol.exp = sqrt ( 252 ) * bt.apply.matrix ( ret , run.esd , n = 60 )
toc ( 5 )
[1] “Elapsed time is 106.16 seconds\n”
It took a while to execute this code. Fortunately, the code can easily run in parallel.
Following is the RcppParallel version.
# create RCPP Parallel function to compute the Exponentially Weighted Volatility
load.packages ( 'RcppParallel' )
sourceCpp ( code = '
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppParallel)]]
#include <RcppParallel.h>
using namespace RcppParallel;
struct run_esd_helper : public Worker {
// input matrix to read from
const RMatrix<double> mat;
// internal variables
const double ratio;
const int nperiod;
// output matrix to write to
RMatrix<double> rmat;
// initialize from Rcpp input and output matrixes
run_esd_helper(const NumericMatrix& mat, double ratio, int nperiod, NumericMatrix rmat)
: mat(mat), ratio(ratio), nperiod(nperiod), rmat(rmat) { }
// main entry -function call operator that work for the specified range (begin/end)
void operator()(size_t begin, size_t end) {
for (size_t c1 = begin; c1 < end; c1++) {
int t;
// find start index; first non NA item
for(t = 0; t < nperiod; t++) {
if(!NumericVector::is_na(mat(t, c1))) break;
rmat(t,c1) = NA_REAL;
int start_t = t;
double ema = 0;
rmat(start_t, c1) = 0;
for(t = start_t + 1; t < nperiod; t++) {
ema = (1-ratio) * ( mat(t-1,c1) + ratio * ema);
double sigma = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (t - start_t); i++) {
sigma += pow(ratio,i) * pow(mat(t-1-i,c1) - ema, 2);
rmat(t,c1) = (1-ratio) * sigma;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix run_esd_parallel(NumericMatrix mat, double ratio) {
// allocate the matrix we will return
int nc = mat.ncol();
int nperiod = mat.nrow();
NumericMatrix rmat(nperiod, nc);
// parallel run
run_esd_helper p(mat, ratio, nperiod, rmat);
parallelFor(0, nc, p);
return rmat;
run.esd.parallel = function ( x , n , ratio = n / ( n +1 )) { temp = x ; x [] = sqrt ( run_esd_parallel ( x , ratio )); return ( x ) }
tic ( 5 )
hist.vol.parallel = sqrt ( 252 ) * run.esd.parallel ( ret , n = 60 )
toc ( 5 )
[1] “Elapsed time is 14.65 seconds\n”
Great, the running time is more reasonable. Next let’s visualize the impact of using
the Exponentially Weighted Volatility
dates = '2007::2010'
layout ( 1 : 2 )
plota ( ret [ dates , 1 ], type = 'h' , col = 'black' , plotX = F )
plota.legend ( paste ( 'Daily Log Returns for' , names ( ret )[ 1 ]), 'black' )
plota ( hist.vol.parallel [ dates , 1 ], type = 'l' , col = 'black' )
plota.lines ( hist.vol [ dates , 1 ], col = 'blue' )
plota.legend ( 'Exponentially Weighted Volatility,Equal Weighted Annualized Volatility' , 'black,blue' )
As expected, the Exponentially Weighted Volatility puts more weight on most recent observations
and is a more reactive risk measure.
For your convenience, the 2016-04-10-Exponentially-Weighted-Volatility-RCPP post source code.