Run Channel in Rcpp Update

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Following is just a quick update to the Run Channel in Rcpp post. Paul noticed that I had a problem in the lower channel computation algo. I.e. Rank of Price was in the wrong order for the lower channel. Please see below the updated version.

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;

// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]

// quantile setup
struct quantile {
	int lo, hi, n;
	double hlo, hhi;
quantile make_quantile(int n, double prob, bool high) {
	quantile res;
	double index = (n - 1) * prob;
	res.lo = floor(index);
	res.hi = res.lo + 1;
	res.hhi = index - res.lo;
	res.hlo = 1 - res.hhi;
	res.n = high ? n - res.hi : res.hi;
	return res;	

// index vector
vector<int> make_seq(int n) {
	vector<int> id(n);
	iota(id.begin(), id.end(), 0);
	return id;

// compute weighted average
double avg_quantile(vector<int> id, vector<int> id1, quantile q, 
	NumericVector x, int n, bool high
) {
	double temp, total; int j, k;
	// sort id
	for(k = 0; k < q.n; k++)
		id1[k] = k;
	int start = high ? q.hi : 0;
	int end = high ? n : q.n;

		sort(id1.begin(), id1.end(), 
			[&](int a, int b) { return id[a + start] < id[b + start]; });
	else // sort decreasing
		sort(id1.begin(), id1.end(), 
			[&](int a, int b) { return id[a + start] > id[b + start]; });
	for(j = start, k =0, temp=0.0, total=0.0; j < end; j++, k++) {		
		temp += x[id[j]] * (id1[k]+1) * (j - start + 1);
		total += (id1[k]+1) * (j - start + 1);
	return temp  / total;	

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run_quantile_weight(NumericVector x, int n, double low_prob, double high_prob) {
	auto sz = x.size();
	NumericMatrix res(sz, 2);
	colnames(res) = CharacterVector::create("low", "high");
	// quantile setup
	auto qlo = make_quantile(n, low_prob, false);
	auto qhi = make_quantile(n, high_prob, true);

	// index vector
	auto id = make_seq(n);
	auto idlo = make_seq(qlo.n);
	auto idhi = make_seq(qhi.n);
	for(int i = 0; i < (sz-n+1); i++) {
		if(i == 0)
			sort(id.begin(), id.end(), 
				[&](int a, int b) { return x[a] < x[b]; });
		else {
			// remove index (i-1)
			id.erase(find(id.begin(), id.end(), i-1));
			// insert keeping sorted order
			id.insert(lower_bound(id.begin(), id.end(), i+n-1, 
	    			[&](int a, int b) { return x[a] < x[b]; }), i+n-1);
		res(i+n-1,0) =  avg_quantile(id, idlo, qlo, x, n, false);
		res(i+n-1,1) =  avg_quantile(id, idhi, qhi, x, n, true);
	// pad the first n-1 elements with NA
	for (int i = 0; i < (n-1); i++) 
		res(i,0) = res(i,1) = NA_REAL;

	return res;	

Please save above code in the channel1.cpp file or download channel1.cpp.

Next let’s check for correctness and speed.

# Rcpp Run Quantile
# make sure to install Rtools on windows


# load run quantile functions

# Inefficient R implementation
run_quantile_weightR = function(x, n, low.prob, high.prob) {
	hi = floor((n-1) * high.prob) + 1 + 1
	hi.index = (hi:n) - (hi - 1)
	lo = floor((n-1) * low.prob)+ 1
	lo.index = 1:lo

	out = cbind( matrix(NA,nr=3,nc=n-1), sapply(n:len(x), function(i) {
		temp = x[(i- (n-1) ):i]
		index = sort.list(temp)

		# high		
		index1 = sort.list(index[hi:n])		
		h = sum(temp[index[hi:n]] * hi.index * index1) / sum(hi.index * index1)
		# low
		index1 = sort.list(index[1:lo])		
		l = sum(temp[index[1:lo]] * lo.index * index1) / sum(lo.index * index1)
		# low new, position in time is same, but rank of price is decreasing
		index1 = sort.list(index[1:lo], decreasing=T)
		l1 = sum(temp[index[1:lo]] * lo.index * index1) / sum(lo.index * index1)
	out = t(out)
	colnames(out) = spl(',low.old,high')

# Test David's example
print.helper = function(stats) {

x = c(201:215,117,115,119,118,121)
n = len(x)
low.prob = 0.25
high.prob = 0.75
stats = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
	print.helper(stats) low.old high
118.3514 119.4906 214.0909
stats = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low high
118.3514 214.0909
x = c(1:15,117,115,119,118,121)
stats = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
	print.helper(stats) low.old high
3 4.090909 119.4906
stats = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low high
3 119.4906
# Benchmark

n = 10
low.prob = 0.25
high.prob = 0.75
x = runif(100)

test1 = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)[,c(1,3)]
test2 = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)

print(all.equal(test1, test2))

Attributes: < Component “dimnames”: Component 2: 1 string mismatch >

	run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)[,c(1,3)],
	run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob),
	times = 10
  expr min lq mean median uq max neval
1 run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)[, c(1, 3)] 14,757 14,979 15,643 15,555 16,335 16,631 10
2 run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob) 103 106 118 115 124 145 10

(this report was produced on: 2015-04-13)