Run Channel in Rcpp
05 Mar 2015To install Systematic Investor Toolbox (SIT) please visit About page.
Let’s continue with Run Quantile in Rcpp post and implement another concept David Varadi discussed in the Conditional Percentile Channels post.
Below is a Rcpp implementation of Conditional Percentile Channels
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// quantile setup
struct quantile {
int lo, hi, n;
double hlo, hhi;
quantile make_quantile(int n, double prob, bool high) {
quantile res;
double index = (n - 1) * prob;
res.lo = floor(index);
res.hi = res.lo + 1;
res.hhi = index - res.lo;
res.hlo = 1 - res.hhi;
res.n = high ? n - res.hi : res.hi;
return res;
// index vector
vector<int> make_seq(int n) {
vector<int> id(n);
iota(id.begin(), id.end(), 0);
return id;
// compute weighted average
double avg_quantile(vector<int> id, vector<int> id1, quantile q,
NumericVector x, int n, bool high
) {
double temp, total; int j, k;
// sort id
for(k = 0; k < q.n; k++)
id1[k] = k;
int start = high ? q.hi : 0;
int end = high ? n : q.n;
sort(id1.begin(), id1.end(),
[&](int a, int b) { return id[a + start] < id[b + start]; });
for(j = start, k =0, temp=0.0, total=0.0; j < end; j++, k++) {
temp += x[id[j]] * (id1[k]+1) * (j - start + 1);
total += (id1[k]+1) * (j - start + 1);
return temp / total;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run_quantile_weight(NumericVector x, int n, double low_prob, double high_prob) {
auto sz = x.size();
NumericMatrix res(sz, 2);
// quantile setup
auto qlo = make_quantile(n, low_prob, false);
auto qhi = make_quantile(n, high_prob, true);
// index vector
auto id = make_seq(n);
auto idlo = make_seq(qlo.n);
auto idhi = make_seq(qhi.n);
for(int i = 0; i < (sz-n+1); i++) {
if(i == 0)
sort(id.begin(), id.end(),
[&](int a, int b) { return x[a] < x[b]; });
else {
// remove index (i-1)
id.erase(find(id.begin(), id.end(), i-1));
// insert keeping sorted order
id.insert(lower_bound(id.begin(), id.end(), i+n-1,
[&](int a, int b) { return x[a] < x[b]; }), i+n-1);
res(i+n-1,0) = avg_quantile(id, idlo, qlo, x, n, false);
res(i+n-1,1) = avg_quantile(id, idhi, qhi, x, n, true);
// pad the first n-1 elements with NA
for (int i = 0; i < (n-1); i++)
res(i,0) = res(i,1) = NA_REAL;
return res;
Please save above code in the channel.cpp
file or download channel.cpp.
Next let’s check for correctness and speed.
# Rcpp Run Quantile
# make sure to install Rtools on windows
# load run quantile functions
# Inefficient R implementation
run_quantile_weightR = function(x, n, low.prob, high.prob) {
hi = floor((n-1) * high.prob) + 1 + 1
hi.index = (hi:n) - (hi - 1)
lo = floor((n-1) * low.prob)+ 1
lo.index = 1:lo
out = cbind( matrix(NA,nr=2,nc=n-1), sapply(n:len(x), function(i) {
temp = x[(i- (n-1) ):i]
index = sort.list(temp)
# high
index1 = sort.list(index[hi:n])
h = sum(temp[index[hi:n]] * hi.index * index1) / sum(hi.index * index1)
# low
index1 = sort.list(index[1:lo])
l = sum(temp[index[1:lo]] * lo.index * index1) / sum(lo.index * index1)
# Test David's example
print.helper = function(stats) {
colnames(stats) = spl('low,high')
x = c(201:215,117,115,119,118,121)
n = len(x)
low.prob = 0.25
high.prob = 0.75
stats = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low | high |
119.4906 | 214.0909 |
stats = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low | high |
119.4906 | 214.0909 |
x = c(1:15,117,115,119,118,121)
stats = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low | high |
4.090909 | 119.4906 |
stats = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
low | high |
4.090909 | 119.4906 |
# Benchmark
n = 10
low.prob = 0.25
high.prob = 0.75
x = runif(100)
test1 = run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
test2 = run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob)
print(all.equal(test1, test2))
run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob),
run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob),
times = 10
expr | min | lq | mean | median | uq | max | neval | |
1 | run_quantile_weightR(x, n, low.prob, high.prob) | 10,911 | 11,001 | 11,657 | 11,242 | 12,256 | 13,904 | 10 |
2 | run_quantile_weight(x, n, low.prob, high.prob) | 99 | 100 | 111 | 104 | 121 | 140 | 10 |
To be continued.
(this report was produced on: 2015-03-07)