Run Correlation in Rcpp

To install Systematic Investor Toolbox (SIT) please visit About page.

Let’s continue with Correlation in Rcpp post and implement running window Correlation functionality.

First, let’s load historical prices for S&P 500:

# Load historical end of day data

filename = 'big.test.Rdata'

if(!file.exists(filename)) {
  tickers = nasdaq.100.components()
  tickers = sp500.components()$tickers

  data = env()
  getSymbols.extra(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, set.symbolnames = T, auto.assign = T)
  for(i in data$symbolnames) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)

  bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', dates='2000::', fill.gaps=T)

  # remove ones with little history
  bt.prep.remove.symbols.min.history(data, 3*252)

  # show the ones removed

  prices = data$prices
  save(prices, file=filename)


# Run Correlation
prices = prices[,1:5]

n = ncol(prices)
nperiod = nrow(prices)
ret = prices / mlag(prices) - 1

index =  (nperiod-20):nperiod
ret = ret[index,]
nperiod = nrow(ret)
nwindow = 15

rtest = function(ret, nwindow) {
	n = ncol(ret)
	nperiod = nrow(ret)
	out = array(NA, c(n,n,nperiod))
	index = !lower.tri(out[,,1])

	for(i in nwindow:nperiod) {
		temp = cor(coredata(ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,]))
		temp[index] = 0
		out[,,i] = temp

r.cor = rtest(ret, nwindow)

Next, let’s implement a function using Rcpp. I will re-use code from Correlation in Rcpp post.

/*------ Running correlation ------*/
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector c_run_cor(NumericMatrix mat, int nwindow) {
	int nc = mat.ncol();
    int nperiod = mat.nrow();
	NumericVector ret = NumericVector(Dimension(nc, nc, nperiod));
	fill_n(ret.begin(), ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc), NA_REAL);
	for(int i = 0; i < (nperiod-nwindow+1); i++) {
		NumericMatrix cor = c_cor_helper(mat, i, i+nwindow);
		std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((i + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));
	return ret;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cp_run_cor(NumericMatrix mat, int nwindow) {
	int nc = mat.ncol();
	int nperiod = mat.nrow();
	NumericVector ret = NumericVector(Dimension(nc, nc, nperiod));
	fill_n(ret.begin(), ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc), NA_REAL);

	for (int i = 0; i < (nperiod - nwindow + 1); i++) {
		NumericMatrix cor = cp_cor_helper(mat, i, i + nwindow);
		std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((i + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));
	return ret;

Please save above code in the correlation.cpp file or download correlation.cpp.

Please note that running window correlation requires lot’s of memory to store results; hence, you might want to add --max-mem-size=8000M to your R parameters.

Next let’s make sure it produces same results.

# Run Rcpp Correlation
# make sure to install [Rtools on windows](
# [RcppParallel help site](
# [RcppParallel source code](
# [RcppParallel introduction](
# [RcppParallel gallery](
# defaultNumThreads()

# load Rcpp functions

r.cor = rtest(ret, nwindow)
c.cor = c_run_cor(ret, nwindow)
cp.cor = cp_run_cor(ret, nwindow)
print(test.equality(r.cor, c.cor, cp.cor))
item1 item2 equal
r.cor c.cor TRUE
r.cor cp.cor TRUE

Please notice that we can optimize running window correlation matrix computations by initially pre-computing statistics and at each step just updating them.

Following Rcpp version implements this approach:

//[correlation matrix](
// n,sX,sY,sXY,sX2,sY2
// cor = ( n * sXY - sX * sY ) / ( sqrt(n * sX2 - sX^2) * sqrt(n * sY2 - sY^2) )

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector c_run_cor_smart(NumericMatrix mat, int nwindow) {
	int nc = mat.ncol();
	int nperiod = mat.nrow();
	NumericVector ret = NumericVector(Dimension(nc, nc, nperiod));
	fill_n(ret.begin(), ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc), NA_REAL);

	// pre compute first run
	NumericMatrix cor(nc, nc);
	NumericMatrix infoXY(nc, nc);

	vector<asset_info> info(nc);
	for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
		info[c] = compute_asset_info(mat, c, 0, nwindow);

	for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nc; c1++) {
		for (int c2 = 0; c2 < c1; c2++) {
			double sXY = 0;

			for (int r = 0; r < nwindow; r++)
				sXY += mat(r, c1) * mat(r, c2);

			infoXY(c1, c2) = sXY;
			cor(c1, c2) = (nwindow * sXY - info[c1].sum * info[c2].sum) / (info[c1].stdev * info[c2].stdev);
	std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));

	// for loop, append
	for (int i = 1; i < (nperiod - nwindow + 1); i++) {
		// update stats
		int rstart = i - 1; 
		int rend = i + nwindow - 1;
		for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
			double d0 = mat(rstart, c);
			double d1 = mat(rend, c);
			info[c].sum += -d0 + d1;
			info[c].sum2 += -pow(d0, 2) + pow(d1, 2);
			info[c].stdev = sqrt(nwindow * info[c].sum2 - pow(info[c].sum, 2));

		// compute cors
		for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nc; c1++) {
			double sX0 = mat(rstart, c1);
			double sX1 = mat(rend, c1);			
			for (int c2 = 0; c2 < c1; c2++) {
				double sY0 = mat(rstart, c2);
				double sY1 = mat(rend, c2);

				infoXY(c1, c2) += -sX0*sY0 + sX1*sY1;
				cor(c1, c2) = (nwindow * infoXY(c1, c2) - info[c1].sum * info[c2].sum) / (info[c1].stdev * info[c2].stdev);

		std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((i + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));
	return ret;

Please save above code in the correlation.cpp file or download correlation.cpp.

Next let’s implement same idea using RcppParallel:

// pre-compute sum and stdev
struct cor_smart_p1 : public Worker {
	const RMatrix<double> mat;
	int rstart, rend;
	const int nperiod;

	RVector<double> rsum, rsum2, rstdev;

	bool first_run;

	cor_smart_p1(const NumericMatrix& mat, const int rstart, const int rend,
		NumericVector rsum, NumericVector rsum2, NumericVector rstdev)
		: mat(mat), rstart(rstart), rend(rend), 
		nperiod(rend - rstart), rsum(rsum), rsum2(rsum2), rstdev(rstdev), first_run(true) { }

	void update(int i) {
		rstart = i;
		rend = rstart + nperiod;
		first_run = false;
	void operator()(size_t begin, size_t end) {
		if (first_run)
			for (size_t c = begin; c < end; c++) {			
				double sum, sum2;
				sum = sum2 = 0;

				for (int r = rstart; r < rend; r++) {
					double d = mat(r, c);
					sum += d;
					sum2 += pow(d, 2);

				rsum[c] = sum;
				rsum2[c] = sum2;
				rstdev[c] = sqrt(nperiod * sum2 - pow(sum, 2));
			for (size_t c = begin; c < end; c++) {
				double d0 = mat(rstart-1, c);
				double d1 = mat(rend-1, c);
				rsum[c] += -d0 + d1;
				rsum2[c] += -pow(d0, 2) + pow(d1, 2);
				rstdev[c] = sqrt(nperiod * rsum2[c] - pow(rsum[c], 2));

// compute correlation
struct cor_smart_p2 : public Worker {
	const RMatrix<double> mat;
	int rstart, rend;
	const int nperiod;
	const RVector<double> sum, stdev;

	RMatrix<double> infoXY;
	RMatrix<double> rmat;

	bool first_run;

	cor_smart_p2(const NumericMatrix& mat, int rstart, int rend,
		const NumericVector& sum, const NumericVector& stdev,
		NumericMatrix infoXY, NumericMatrix rmat)
		: mat(mat), rstart(rstart), rend(rend), nperiod(rend - rstart), 
		sum(sum), stdev(stdev), infoXY(infoXY), rmat(rmat), first_run(true) { }

	void update(int i) {
		rstart = i;
		rend = rstart + nperiod;
		first_run = false;
	void operator()(size_t begin, size_t end) {
		if (first_run)
			for (size_t c1 = begin; c1 < end; c1++) {
				for (size_t c2 = 0; c2 < c1; c2++) {
					double sXY = 0;
					for (int r = rstart; r < rend; r++)
						sXY += mat(r, c1) * mat(r, c2);

					infoXY(c1, c2) = sXY;
					rmat(c1, c2) = (nperiod * sXY - sum[c1] * sum[c2]) / (stdev[c1] * stdev[c2]);
			for (size_t c1 = begin; c1 < end; c1++) {
				double sX0 = mat(rstart-1, c1);
				double sX1 = mat(rend-1, c1);
				for (size_t c2 = 0; c2 < c1; c2++) {
					double sY0 = mat(rstart-1, c2);
					double sY1 = mat(rend-1, c2);

					infoXY(c1, c2) += -sX0*sY0 + sX1*sY1;
					rmat(c1, c2) = (nperiod * infoXY(c1, c2) - sum[c1] * sum[c2]) / (stdev[c1] * stdev[c2]);

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cp_run_cor_smart(NumericMatrix mat, int nwindow) {
	int nc = mat.ncol();
	int nperiod = mat.nrow();
	NumericVector ret = NumericVector(Dimension(nc, nc, nperiod));
	fill_n(ret.begin(), ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc), NA_REAL);

	// pre compute first run
	NumericVector rsum(nc), rsum2(nc), rstdev(nc);

	cor_smart_p1 p1(mat, 0, nwindow, rsum, rsum2, rstdev);
	parallelFor(0, nc, p1);

	NumericMatrix cor(nc, nc);
	NumericMatrix infoXY(nc, nc);

	cor_smart_p2 p2(mat, 0, nwindow, rsum, rstdev, infoXY, cor);
	parallelFor(0, nc, p2);

	std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((0 + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));

	// for loop, append
	for (int i = 1; i < (nperiod - nwindow + 1); i++) {
		// update stats
		parallelFor(0, nc, p1);

		parallelFor(0, nc, p2);

		std::copy(cor.begin(), cor.end(), ret.begin() + ((i + nwindow - 1) * nc * nc));
	return ret;

Please save above code in the correlation.cpp file or download correlation.cpp.

Next let’s make sure it produces same results and compare the run times.

# Test on small example
# load Rcpp functions

r.cor = rtest(ret, nwindow)
c.cor = c_run_cor(ret, nwindow)
cp.cor = cp_run_cor(ret, nwindow) = c_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow) = cp_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow)

print(test.equality(r.cor, c.cor, cp.cor,,
item1 item2 equal
r.cor c.cor TRUE
r.cor cp.cor TRUE
r.cor TRUE
r.cor TRUE
# Test on large example
n = ncol(prices)
nperiod = nrow(prices)
ret = prices / mlag(prices) - 1

index =  (nperiod-200):nperiod
ret = ret[index,]
nperiod = nrow(ret)
nwindow = 19

r.cor = rtest(ret, nwindow)
c.cor = c_run_cor(ret, nwindow)
cp.cor = cp_run_cor(ret, nwindow) = c_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow) = cp_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow)

item1 item2 equal
r.cor c.cor TRUE
r.cor cp.cor TRUE
r.cor TRUE
r.cor TRUE
# free memory
env.del(spl('r.cor,c.cor,cp.cor,,'), globalenv())

# compare performance
res <- benchmark(rtest(ret, nwindow),
			c_run_cor(ret, nwindow),
			cp_run_cor(ret, nwindow),
			c_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow),
			cp_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow),
			replications = 1,
rownames(x) test replications elapsed relative
5 cp_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow) 1 0.23 1.000
3 cp_run_cor(ret, nwindow) 1 0.42 1.826
4 c_run_cor_smart(ret, nwindow) 1 0.44 1.913
2 c_run_cor(ret, nwindow) 1 0.67 2.913
1 rtest(ret, nwindow) 1 3.03 13.174

The RcppParallel version is about 1.9 times faster.

(this report was produced on: 2015-04-11)