Regime Detection Update

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I did series of posts about Regime Detection using RHmm sometime ago. Unfortunately, the RHmm is no longer available from CRAN, so I want to update the repository location for RHmm package, and also replicate functionality with depmixS4 package. The depmixS4 package also allows linear constraints on parameters.


Please see below updated code for the bt.regime.detection.test() function in bt.test.r at github:


# Regime Detection
#bt.regime.detection.test <- function() 

	# Generate data as in the post
	bull1 = rnorm( 100, 0.10, 0.15 )
	bear  = rnorm( 100, -0.01, 0.20 )
	bull2 = rnorm( 100, 0.10, 0.15 )
	true.states = c(rep(1,100),rep(2,100),rep(1,100))
	returns = c( bull1, bear,  bull2 )

	# find regimes
	load.packages('RHmm', repos ='')

	ResFit = HMMFit(y, nStates=2)
	VitPath = viterbi(ResFit, y)


	# HMMGraphicDiag(VitPath, ResFit, y)
	# HMMPlotSerie(y, VitPath)

	#Forward-backward procedure, compute probabilities
	fb = forwardBackward(ResFit, y)

	# Plot probabilities and implied states
	plot(VitPath$states, type='s', main='Implied States', xlab='', ylab='State')
	matplot(fb$Gamma, type='l', main='Smoothed Probabilities', ylab='Probability')
		legend(x='topright', c('State1','State2'),  fill=1:2, bty='n')

plot of chunk plot-2

	# Expected duration of each regime (1/(1-pii))                

	# It also can be done using depmixS4 package
	#[Getting Started with Hidden Markov Models in R](

	# Construct and fit a regime switching model
	mod = depmix(y ~ 1, family = gaussian(), nstates = 2, data=data.frame(y=y))
	fm2 = fit(mod, verbose = FALSE)

converged at iteration 69 with logLik: 125.6168

	probs = posterior(fm2)

	plot(probs$state, type='s', main='Implied States', xlab='', ylab='State')
	matplot(probs[,-1], type='l', main='Probabilities', ylab='Probability')
		legend(x='topright', c('State1','State2'),  fill=1:2, bty='n')

plot of chunk plot-2

	# Add some data and see if the model is able to identify the regimes
	bear2  = rnorm( 100, -0.01, 0.20 )
	bull3 = rnorm( 100, 0.10, 0.10 )
	bear3  = rnorm( 100, -0.01, 0.25 )
	true.states = c(true.states, rep(2,100),rep(1,100),rep(2,100))
	y = c( bull1, bear,  bull2, bear2, bull3, bear3 )
	VitPath = RHmm:::viterbi(ResFit, y)$states


	# map states: sometimes HMMFit function does not assign states consistently
	# let's use following formula to rank states
	# i.e. high risk, low returns => state 2 and low risk, high returns => state 1
	map = rank(sqrt(ResFit$HMM$distribution$var) - ResFit$HMM$distribution$mean)
	VitPath = map[VitPath]

	# Plot regimes
	data = xts(y, as.Date(1:len(y)))

		plota.control$col.x.highlight = col.add.alpha(true.states+1, 150)
	plota(data, type='h', plotX=F, x.highlight=T)
		plota.legend('Returns + True Regimes')
	plota(cumprod(1+data/100), type='l', plotX=F, x.highlight=T)
		plota.legend('Equity + True Regimes')
		plota.control$col.x.highlight = col.add.alpha(VitPath+1, 150)
	plota(data, type='h', x.highlight=T)
		plota.legend('Returns + Detected Regimes')

plot of chunk plot-2

Identifying Changing Market Conditions by Tad Slaff made a great tutorial on Hidden Markov Models using depmixS4 package.

# Load historical prices
data = env()
getSymbols('SPY', src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T)

price = Cl(data$SPY)
	open = Op(data$SPY)
ret = diff(log(price))
	ret = log(price) - log(open)

atr = ATR(HLC(data$SPY))[,'atr']

# Construct and fit a regime switching model

index = 14:nrow(price)
temp = data.frame(ret=as.vector(ret), atr=as.vector(atr))
	temp = temp[index,]

# We're setting the LogReturns and ATR as our response variables, 
# want to set 4 different regimes, and setting the response distributions to be gaussian.
mod = depmix(list(ret~1, atr~1),data=temp,nstates=4,family=list(gaussian(),gaussian())) 
fm2 = fit(mod, verbose = FALSE)

converged at iteration 30 with logLik: 18358.98


Initial state probabilties model pr1 pr2 pr3 pr4 0 0 1 0

Transition matrix toS1 toS2 toS3 toS4 fromS1 9.821940e-01 1.629595e-02 1.510069e-03 8.514403e-45 fromS2 1.167011e-02 9.790209e-01 8.775478e-68 9.308946e-03 fromS3 3.266616e-03 8.586650e-47 9.967334e-01 1.350529e-69 fromS4 3.608394e-65 1.047516e-02 1.922545e-130 9.895248e-01

Response parameters Resp 1 : gaussian Resp 2 : gaussian Re1.(Intercept) Re2.(Intercept) St1 2.897594e-04 0.006285514 1.1647547 0.1181514 St2 -6.980187e-05 0.008186433 1.6554049 0.1871963 St3 2.134584e-04 0.005694483 0.4537498 0.1564576 St4 -4.459161e-04 0.015419207 2.7558362 0.7297283

  Re1.(Intercept) Re2.(Intercept)
St1 0.000289759401378951 0.00628551404616354 1.16475474419891 0.118151350440916
St2 -6.98018749098021e-05 0.00818643307634358 1.65540488736983 0.187196307284941
St3 0.000213458358141314 0.00569448330115608 0.453749781945066 0.156457606460757
St4 -0.00044591612667264 0.0154192070819596 2.75583620018895 0.72972830143278
probs = posterior(fm2)

rownames(x) state S1 S2 S3 S4
1 3 0 0 1 0
2 3 0 0 1 0
3 3 0 0 1 0
4 3 0 0 1 0
5 3 0 0 1 0
6 3 0 0 1 0
plota(ret, type='h', col='blue')
	plota.legend('S&P 500 Daily Log Returns', 'blue')
plota(atr, type='l', col='darkgreen')
	plota.legend('Daily ATR(14)', 'darkgreen')

temp = NA * price
	temp[index] = probs$state
plota(temp, type='l', col='darkred')
	plota.legend('Market Regimes', 'darkred')

plot of chunk plot-3

for(i in 2:5) {
	temp = NA * price
		temp[index] = probs[,i]
	plota(temp, type='l', col=i)
		plota.legend(paste('Market Regime', colnames(probs)[i]), i)

plot of chunk plot-3

Please note that solution changes each time you run the above code.

(this report was produced on: 2015-04-17)