Leadership Details
16 Apr 2015To install Systematic Investor Toolbox (SIT) please visit About page.
Let’s continue with Run Leadership Rcpp post and look at results in more details
First, let’s load historical prices for S&P 500:
# Load historical end of day data
filename = 'big.test.Rdata'
if(!file.exists(filename)) {
tickers = nasdaq.100.components()
tickers = sp500.components()$tickers
data = env()
getSymbols.extra(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T)
rm.index = which(sapply(ls(data), function(i) is.null(data[[i]])))
if(any(rm.index)) env.del(names(rm.index), data)
for(i in ls(data)) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)
bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', dates='2000::', fill.gaps=T)
# remove ones with little history
prices = data$prices
bt.prep.remove.symbols(data, which(
count(prices, side = 2) < 3*252 | is.na(last(prices))
# show the ones removed
prices = data$prices
save(prices, file=filename)
# Helper functions
# lead - lag sample function
rtest = function(ret, nwindow) {
nlag = floor(nwindow/2)
n = ncol(ret)
nperiod = nrow(ret)
out = array(0, c(n,n,nperiod))
index = !lower.tri(out[,,1])
for(i in nwindow:nperiod) {
temp = coredata(ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,])
temp.out = matrix(0, n,n)
for (c1 in 2:n) {
data1 = temp[,c1]
c2.index = 1:(c1-1)
data2 = temp[,c2.index,drop=F]
# if c1.cor : c2 -> c1 i.e. cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
c1.cor = rep(0,ncol(data2))
for (lag in 0:nlag) {
cor.temp = cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
c1.cor = c1.cor + pmax(cor.temp, 0)
c1.cor = c1.cor / (nlag + 1)
# if c2.cor : c1 -> c2 i.e. cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
c2.cor = rep(0,ncol(data2))
for (lag in 1:nlag) {
cor.temp = cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
c2.cor = c2.cor + pmax(cor.temp, 0)
c2.cor = c2.cor / nlag
# if c1.cor >= c2.cor hence c2 -> c1 i.e. cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
index = c1.cor >= c2.cor
temp.out[c2.index[index], c1] = c1.cor[index]
# if c2.cor >= c1.cor hence c1 -> c2 i.e. cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
index = !index
temp.out[c1, c2.index[index]] = c2.cor[index]
out[,,i] = temp.out
# lead - lag sample function
rtest.one = function(ret, nwindow, c1.name, c2.name) {
c1 = which(colnames(ret) == c1.name)
c2 = which(colnames(ret) == c2.name)
if(c1 < c2) { # switch
temp = c2; c2 = c1; c1 = temp
temp = c2.name; c2.name = c1.name; c1.name = temp
nlag = floor(nwindow/2)
n = ncol(ret)
nperiod = nrow(ret)
out = array(NA, c(n,n,nperiod))
index = !lower.tri(out[,,1])
i = nperiod
temp = coredata(ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,])
temp.out = matrix(NA, n,n)
data1 = temp[,c1]
data2 = temp[,c2,drop=F]
c1.cor = c()
for (lag in 0:nlag) {
cor.temp = cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
c1.cor = c(c1.cor, cor.temp)
c2.cor = c()
for (lag in 1:nlag) {
cor.temp = cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
c2.cor = c(c2.cor, cor.temp)
c1.cor.mean = sum(pmax(c1.cor,0)) / (nlag + 1)
c2.cor.mean = sum(pmax(c2.cor,0)) / nlag
# if c1.cor >= c2.cor hence c2 -> c1 i.e. cor(data1[(lag+1):nwindow], data2[1:(nwindow-lag),])
# if c2.cor >= c1.cor hence c1 -> c2 i.e. cor(data1[1:(nwindow-lag)], data2[(lag+1):nwindow,])
relationship = iif(c1.cor.mean >= c2.cor.mean, 'c2 -> c1', 'c1 -> c2')
c1 = c1, c2 = c2, c1.name = c1.name, c2.name = c2.name,
x = -nlag:nlag,
y = c(c2.cor, c1.cor),
c1.cor = to.nice(c1.cor.mean),
c2.cor = to.nice(c2.cor.mean),
relationship = relationship,
c1.ret = ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,c1],
c2.ret = ret[(i-nwindow+1):i,c2]
# make plot
rtest.visualize = function(out) {
plot(out$x, out$y, type = "n", xlab='Lag', ylab='Correlation', las=1,
main = paste('c2 =', out$c2.name, out$c2.cor, 'vs c1 =', out$c1.name, out$c1.cor,
'\n', out$relationship)
col1 = col.add.alpha('blue',100)
polygon(c(first(out$x), out$x, last(out$x)), c(0, pmax(out$y,0), 0), col=col1, border=col1)
col1 = col.add.alpha('gray',200)
polygon(c(first(out$x), out$x, last(out$x)), c(0, pmin(out$y,0), 0), col=col1, border=col1)
abline(h=0, v=0)
lines(out$x, out$y, col='red')
lines(out$x, out$y, type='b', pch='+', col='red')
rtest.visualize.relationship = function(out) {
ylim = range(c(cumprod(1 + out$c1.ret), cumprod(1 + out$c2.ret)))
plota(cumprod(1 + out$c1.ret), type='l', ylim = ylim, col='black')
plota.lines(cumprod(1 + out$c2.ret), col='blue')
plota.legend(paste('c1', out$c1.name, ',c2', out$c2.name, ',', out$relationship), 'black,blue, red')
# Run Lead Lag Correlation
prices = prices[,]
n = ncol(prices)
nperiod = nrow(prices)
ret = prices / mlag(prices) - 1
index = (nperiod-20):nperiod
ret = ret[index,]
nperiod = nrow(ret)
nwindow = 15
# Run Lead Lag Correlation
# make sure to install [Rtools on windows](http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)
# load Rcpp functions
c.cor = cp_run_leadership_smart(ret, nwindow, T)
# remove zero entries
clean.adj = function(adj.mat, threshold = 0.5) {
adj.mat[ abs(adj.mat) < threshold] = 0
keep.index = (rowSums(adj.mat != 0) >= 1) | (colSums(adj.mat != 0) >= 1)
adj.mat = adj.mat[keep.index, keep.index]
adj.mat = c.cor[,,nperiod-1]
rownames(adj.mat) = colnames(adj.mat) = colnames(prices)
adj.mat = clean.adj(adj.mat, 0.38)
temp = adj.mat
temp[temp == 0] = NA
AIG | APA | ED | NEM | PPL | PVH | RL | STT | XL | |
AIG | |||||||||
APA | |||||||||
ED | 38.18% | ||||||||
NEM | |||||||||
PPL | |||||||||
PVH | 41.76% | ||||||||
RL | 42.19% | 38.71% | |||||||
STT | 38.28% | ||||||||
XL | 38.30% |
# examine some pairs
out = rtest.one(ret, nwindow, 'AIG', 'PVH')
rtest(ret[,c(out$c2,out$c1)], nwindow)[,,nperiod]
[,1] [,2] [1,] 0.0000000 0 [2,] 0.3668593 0
out = rtest.one(ret, nwindow, 'XL', 'RL')
rtest(ret[,c(out$c2,out$c1)], nwindow)[,,nperiod]
[,1] [,2] [1,] 0 0.2261738 [2,] 0 0.0000000
out = rtest.one(ret, nwindow, 'APA', 'XL')
rtest(ret[,c(out$c2,out$c1)], nwindow)[,,nperiod]
[,1] [,2] [1,] 0.0000000 0 [2,] 0.3136286 0
# adj.mat(row,col) is mapped to
# |from |to |value |
# |:----|:---|:----------------|
# |row |col |adj.mat(row,col) |
g = graph.adjacency(adj.mat,weighted=TRUE)
from to weight 1 ED PPL 0.3817913 2 PVH AIG 0.4175742 3 RL AIG 0.4219342 4 RL XL 0.3870656 5 STT NEM 0.3828356 6 XL APA 0.3830476
IGRAPH DNW- 9 6 -- + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
(this report was produced on: 2015-04-24)