Country Seasonality

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Meb Faber posted an interesting observation that if an asset or country is down 1/2/3 years in a row it historically recovers in the next 1/2 years. Details at 50% Returns Coming for Commodities and Emerging Markets? post.

The test of this simple strategy for historical country returns is below.

Load historical country returns from AQR data library

# Read historical data from AQR library
# [Betting Against Beta: Equity Factors, Monthly](

data = env()
data.set = 'betting-against-beta-equity-factors'

# monthly market returns in excess of t-bills
data$market.excess =, 'monthly', 'MKT')

#monthly U.S. Treasury bill rates.
data$ =, 'monthly', 'RF', last.col2extract = 2)

# total market return = data$market.excess + as.vector(data$

# compute equity 
equity = bt.apply.matrix(1+ifna(,0),cumprod)
	equity[] = NA
year.ends = date.ends(equity, 'year')	

# create back-test environment with annual prices 
data = env()
for(n in names(
	data[[n]] = make.stock.xts(equity[year.ends,n])
bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', fill.gaps = F, dates='1986::')

plota.matplot($prices), main='Asset Performance')

plot of chunk plot-2

Look at historical stats for a strategy that invests in a country if is down 1/2/3 years in a row and holds for the next 1/2/3 years

# Stats
prices = data$prices
	n = ncol(prices)

ret = prices / mlag(prices) - 1
signal = ret < 0

signals = list(down1yr = signal, down2yr = signal & mlag(signal), down3yr=signal & mlag(signal) & mlag(signal,2))

# compute stats
make.stats(signals, ret)

plot of chunk plot-3

The least frequent the event, the better its historical performance. For example, after 3 years down there is on average a 30% bounce. After 2 years down there is on average a 20% bounce and after 1 year down there is on average a 15% bounce.

Next, create a strategy that invests in a country if is down 1/2/3 years in a row and holds for the next 1/2/3 years

# Strategy
models = run.models(signals, data)

plot of chunk plot-4

  equal.weight down1yr hold1yr down1yr hold2yr down1yr hold3yr down2yr hold1yr down2yr hold2yr down2yr hold3yr down3yr hold1yr down3yr hold2yr down3yr hold3yr
Period Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016 Dec1986 - Feb2016
Cagr 9.01 1.96 5.16 6 1.94 3.69 4.59 2.24 6.94 5.42
Sharpe 0.5 0.18 0.33 0.36 0.17 0.24 0.28 0.22 0.4 0.32
DVR 0.44 0.03 0.24 0.29 0.09 0.19 0.24 0.2 0.37 0.29
R2 0.88 0.19 0.75 0.81 0.52 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.89
Volatility 21.53 24.18 21.73 21.54 22.6 24.08 23.69 12.23 19.78 21.41
MaxDD -48.81 -49.11 -49.11 -49.11 -48.63 -57.05 -40.81 -16.25 -16.25 -33.86
Exposure 96.77 70.97 83.87 90.32 48.39 64.52 77.42 22.58 35.48 48.39
Win.Percent 86.76 70.59 63.3 62.74 57.75 56.94 64 87.5 88 92.86
Avg.Trade 7.06 0.64 0.84 0.85 1.72 2.73 1.98 3.48 11.11 4.76
Profit.Factor 48.55 1.66 2.33 2.74 1.82 2.36 2.54 4.58 14.26 10.55
Num.Trades 68 204 297 314 71 72 100 24 25 42

Please note that exposure, the time strategy is invested, is small, around 30%, for the least frequent the events, i.e. 3 years down.

Overall, it is hard to compete with always invested, equal weight, strategy because the timing signal, the number of years down, is not fully capturing all market movements.

Below is the same analysis for country historical returns sourced form Kenneth R. French - Data Library](

plot of chunk plot-5 plot of chunk plot-6 plot of chunk plot-7

  equal.weight down1yr hold1yr down1yr hold2yr down1yr hold3yr down2yr hold1yr down2yr hold2yr down2yr hold3yr down3yr hold1yr down3yr hold2yr down3yr hold3yr
Period Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016 Dec1975 - Mar2016
Cagr 12.08 4.6 9.05 10.5 4.38 7.49 9.66 3.93 6.91 7.24
Sharpe 0.65 0.3 0.51 0.56 0.31 0.45 0.49 0.29 0.42 0.41
DVR 0.56 0.2 0.46 0.51 0.28 0.37 0.43 0.26 0.38 0.38
R2 0.86 0.64 0.91 0.91 0.89 0.82 0.87 0.91 0.9 0.92
Volatility 21.15 21.64 21.12 21.65 17.94 19.6 23.29 16.21 18.87 21.34
MaxDD -48.26 -46.21 -46.21 -46.21 -35.66 -35.66 -36.12 -11.53 -11.53 -38.97
Exposure 97.62 71.43 85.71 90.48 45.24 64.29 78.57 19.05 28.57 38.1
Win.Percent 87.42 64.56 67.27 72.21 62.5 62.92 70.69 90.48 91.3 88.89
Avg.Trade 5.78 1.16     3.21 4.48 4.39 9.44 15.87 13.96
Profit.Factor 39.63 1.96     2.65 3.83 5.03 10.07 17.71 17.03
Num.Trades 151 237 333 367 72 89 116 21 23 27

The results are similar to the results obtained using country historical returns sourced from AQR - Betting Against Beta: Equity Factors, Monthly data library.

These test were done based on absolute return being negative. The big question is if there is anything special about zero. I.e. is it significant to test against returns being below zero, or is it sufficient to test other values around zero.

For example, we may run the same tests using 1% as the trigger. Alternatively the trigger value can be derived from recent market data and adaptively adjusted as market enter new regimes.

#Supporting functions:

# Stats
make.stats = function(signals, ret) {
	# compute stats
	stats = list()
	for(signal in names(signals)) {
		temp = signals[[signal]]
		stats[[paste(signal,'hold1yr')]] = coredata(ret)[ifna(mlag(temp),F)]
		stats[[paste(signal,'hold2yr')]] = 1/2 * coredata(ret + mlag(ret,-1))[ifna(mlag(temp),F)]
		stats[[paste(signal,'hold3yr')]] = 1/3 * coredata(ret + mlag(ret,-1) + + mlag(ret,-3))[ifna(mlag(temp),F)]
	stats = lapply(stats,na.omit)
	# sapply(stats,mean) # mean

	# make a barplot
	par(mar = c(8, 4, 2, 1))

# Strategy
run.models = function(signals, data) {
	models = list()

	data$weight[] = NA
		data$weight[] = ntop(prices, n)
	models$equal.weight =, trade.summary=T, silent=T)

	for(signal in names(signals)) {
		temp = signals[[signal]]
		data$weight[] = NA
			data$weight[] = ntop(temp, n)
		models[[paste(signal,'hold1yr')]] =, trade.summary=T, silent=T)
		temp = signals[[signal]]
			temp = temp | mlag(temp)
		data$weight[] = NA
			data$weight[] = ntop(temp, n)
		models[[paste(signal,'hold2yr')]] =, trade.summary=T, silent=T)
		temp = signals[[signal]]
			temp = temp | mlag(temp) | mlag(temp,2)
		data$weight[] = NA
			data$weight[] = ntop(temp, n)
		models[[paste(signal,'hold3yr')]] =, trade.summary=T, silent=T)

	# create report
	plotbt(models, plotX = T, log = 'y', LeftMargin = 3, main = NULL)	    	
		mtext('Cumulative Performance', side = 2, line = 1)
	print(plotbt.strategy.sidebyside(models, make.plot=F, return.table=T,perfromance.fn = engineering.returns.kpi))

For your convenience, the 2016-03-27-Country-Seasonality post source code.