Back-testing Trades

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Once in a while I get questions about how to make an equity curve given historical signal(s) / trade(s).

Let’s take for example the historical signals from MARKET TIMING with DECISION MOOSE and create equity curve for this strategy.

# Load signals from

filename = 'data/decisionmoose.Rdata'
if(!file.exists(filename)) {
	url = ''
	txt = join(readLines(url))

	# extract transaction history
	temp = extract.table.from.webpage(txt, 'Transaction History', has.header = F)
		temp = trim(temp[-1,2:5])
 	colnames(temp) = spl('id,date,name,equity')
 id = as.numeric(temp[,'id'])
 	index = ifna(id > 0,F)
 temp = temp[index,]

 temp[,'equity'] = gsub('\\.','',gsub(',','',gsub('\\$','',temp[,'equity'])))
 info = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F,
 id = as.numeric(temp[,'id']), 
 equity = as.numeric(temp[,'equity']),
 date = as.Date(temp[,'date'],'%m.%d.%Y'),
 tickers = toupper(trim(gsub('\\)','', sapply(temp[,'name'], spl, '\\('))))[2,]
 info = info[!$date),]
save(info, file=filename)

#plota(make.xts(info$equity, info$date), type='l')
# Load historical data
tickers = unique(info$tickers)

# load saved Proxies Raw Data, data.proxy.raw

# define Cash (3moT) 3MOT = BIL+TB3M 
tickers = gsub('3MOT','3MOT=BIL+TB3M', tickers)

#US:SAF Scudder New Asia Fund (SAF), Merged into DWS Emerging Markets Equity Fund
tickers = gsub('SAF','SAF=SEKCX', tickers)

# add dummy stock, to keep dates of trades, if they do not line up with data
dummy = make.stock.xts(make.xts(info$equity, info$date))

data <- new.env()
getSymbols.extra(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, = data.proxy.raw, auto.assign = T)

	# optionally investigate splits not captured by Adjusted
	#data.clean(data, min.ratio=3)

  for(i in ls(data)) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)
  data$dummy = dummy

bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', dates='2000::',fill.gaps = T)

bt.prep.remove.symbols(data, 'dummy')

#plota.matplot($prices),main='Asset Perfromance')

# Setup
prices = data$prices

models = list()

# Code Strategies, SPY - Buy & Hold
data$weight[] = NA
	data$weight$SPY = 1
models$SPY =, clean.signal=T, silent=T)

# Create weights
weight = NA * prices

for(t in 1:nrow(info)) {
	weight[info$date[t],] = 0
 weight[info$date[t], info$ticker[t]] = 1

data$weight[] = 	weight
models$decisionmoose =, clean.signal=F, trade.summary=T, silent=T)#, do.lag = 2)

# Create Report
plota.matplot($prices),main='Asset Perfromance')

plot of chunk plot-2

#strategy.performance.snapshoot(models, title = 'decisionmoose', data = data)
plotbt(models, plotX = T, log = 'y', LeftMargin = 3, main = NULL)	    	
	mtext('Cumulative Performance', side = 2, line = 1)

plot of chunk plot-2

print(plotbt.strategy.sidebyside(models, make.plot=F, return.table=T))
  SPY decisionmoose
Period Jan2000 - Apr2015 Jan2000 - Apr2015
Cagr 4.33 18.31
Sharpe 0.31 0.91
DVR 0.16 0.89
Volatility 20.16 20.29
MaxDD -55.19 -24.43
AvgDD -2.55 -4.28
VaR -1.98 -2.01
CVaR -3 -3
Exposure 99.97 97.68
m = 'decisionmoose'[[m]]$weight, name=m)
		legend('topright', legend = m, bty = 'n')

plot of chunk plot-2

print(last.trades(models$decisionmoose, smain='decisionmoose',make.plot=F, return.table=T))
decisionmoose weight nhold entry.price exit.price return
IWM 100 2012-02-10 2012-03-02 21 77.53 76.56 -1.25
SPY 100 2012-03-02 2012-05-04 63 128.57 128.85 0.22
BTTRX 100 2012-05-04 2012-08-10 98 73.19 77.24 5.53
SPY 100 2012-08-10 2012-09-21 42 133.14 138.64 4.13
GLD 100 2012-09-21 2012-12-14 84 171.96 164.13 -4.55
3MOT 100 2012-12-14 2013-01-04 21 45.81 45.82 0.02
IEV 100 2013-01-04 2013-02-08 35 37.26 38.00 1.99
3MOT 100 2013-02-08 2013-05-10 91 45.81 45.80 -0.02
EWJ 100 2013-05-10 2013-05-31 21 11.47 10.58 -7.76
IWM 100 2013-05-31 2014-02-07 252 95.50 109.33 14.48
IEV 100 2014-02-07 2014-03-07 28 44.94 46.85 4.25
IWM 100 2014-03-07 2014-04-04 28 118.17 113.32 -4.10
SPY 100 2014-04-04 2014-04-11 7 182.82 178.02 -2.63
EDV 100 2014-04-11 2014-07-03 83 98.98 99.94 0.96
ILF 100 2014-07-03 2014-08-22 50 38.17 40.24 5.42
EDV 100 2014-08-22 2014-09-05 14 109.30 108.16 -1.05
ILF 100 2014-09-05 2014-09-26 21 42.33 38.20 -9.76
SPY 100 2014-09-26 2014-10-10 14 195.94 188.65 -3.72
EDV 100 2014-10-10 2015-03-13 154 114.15 124.09 8.71
EWJ 100 2015-03-13 2015-04-10 28 12.48 12.94 3.69

(this report was produced on: 2015-04-11)